Our success is the result of our accumulated knowledge of both clinical research and technology in the Dental field

Laurent Didron

Laurent Didron, Noveo’s President, has over 41 years’ experience in the Dental Field primarily working for a European Dental Company which specialized in ultrasonic technology. With an engineering background, Laurent Didron helped develop a series of new ultrasonic tips aimed at preventing and treating periodontal disease.  The missing link with treatment of periodontal disease is the early diagnosis of peri-implantitis.

Dr Chaubron, from the Clinident Institute, has developed a very innovative and precise diagnosis procedure using gingival crevicular
 fluid. The technology used is a real time PCR test, based on microbial DNA extraction and mutliparametric quantification of specific DNA sequences of the bacteria found in gingival crevicular Fluid or Perio-implant sulcular fluid. 

The following two diagnosis kits are currently available from Noveo

Institut Clinident

A great number of oral/dental disease cases can be treated and maintained under control for many years following good diagnosis, good therapy decision and risk evaluation provided by  Perio-Analyse and Cario-Analyse. The periodontal and peri-implantitis risk and therapy decision depends on the composition of the saliva and plaque microflora.  Role and consequences of each pathogenic bacteria  present into the sulcus and saliva will be presented as well as a proposed treatment strategy in relation with periodontal infection, peri-implantitis and caries  infection.
Identification of precise risk factor and biomarkers into saliva (HPV, VOC)  associated with oral cancer risk will be also presented to give a larger overview of Clinident’s analytical service portfolio  dedicated to dental surgery and oral medicine.


Institut Clinident developed modern diagnosis biomarkers systems to improve early and rapid detection applied to dental medicine and oral disease. In this area, the initial focus was the development of innovative testing for periodontal pathogens, accurate measurement of infection (peri-implantitis) and the reject risk of dental implant during the cicatrization process, early detection of bacteria associated with caries risk and early detection of oral cancer biomarkers.

Beside these biomarkers, the company manufacture reagents, kits for:
Gingival sulcus collection kits for Periodontal analysis
Saliva collection kit for Caries risk and oral cancer detection
DNA amplification kit (Real Time PCR) for rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria and associated biomarkers to caries risk
Volatil Organic Compounds (VOC) capture from saliva for Oral Cancer diagnosis

At this stage of development, the company is offering an European Molecular Screening platform located in Europe.


Institut Clinident employs an innovative and creative interdisciplinary team (PhD, Master degree and surgeon/dentist) with background in molecular biology, microbiology, dental medicine and business. The company has developed relationships with several universities in Europe (University of Montpellier, University of Valencia, University of Lyon…), dental research group (SFPIO) and hospital (Centre Léon Bérard Lyon, Rothschild Hospital Paris ) for technical development, studies and clinical trials
From the beginning, Institut Clinident signed partnership agreements with the pharma company, like Pierre Fabre Medicament, Sunstar and dental implant company like Nobel Biocare.

Available Products

Perio-Analyse (Periodontal bacteria Identification and quantification)

The first cause of periodontal disease is in the formation of bacterial biofilm. The bacterias implied in the periodontitis are also in weak concentration in the healthy sulcus. The colonization of the mouth by paro-bacteria can take place at an early age, for example following a parental or pet transmission. A great number of cases of periodontitis can be treated in a dentist’s surgery according to the traditional process of mechanical actions, such as radicular surfacing and sub-gingival scaling under control for years.

However, in the presence of periodontopathogenic bacteria that can penetrate the tissue, such as P.gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans, these methods are not enough to eliminate them from the sulcus. Consequently and in spite of the vigilant treatments, a progressive loss or a fast decomposition of the alveolar bone can occur. In this case, only an antibiotic therapy obviously can improve the effectiveness of the treatment , after the bacteriological diagnosis. The choice of the therapy depends on the composition of the sub-gingival microflora and the clinical state of the periodontitis. An antibiotic therapy can be prescribed only in combination with a meticulous cleaning of the pockets. It goes without saying that antibiotic therapy cannot be prescribed without a microbiological analysis. The success of the long-term treatment is insured only if the patient applies a good oral hygiene and follows a monitoring program. The implementation of microbiological diagnosis using microbiological diagnostic solution can  assist in decision making process of therapy, e.g. use of antibiotics.

In some cases, the dental treatment requires the recourse to dental implants. The biological complications which appear before implant bone-integration can be related to a surgical trauma, with a post-operative infection or with an overload, while those occurring immediately after the bone-integration of the implant are related to a microbial colonization like the one present in the periodontal pockets before implant installation.

The bacteria associated with peri-implantitis are like those detected around teeth affected with periodontitis but with a different ratio.

Processes of bacterial translocation could be highlighted for the main pathogenic bacteria. Gingivo-dental pockets of the adjacent teeth, as well as surrounding soft  tissues, such as the back of the tongue, mucus membranes are as many bacterial tanks likely to ensure the colonization of the implant. According to a recent review of literature, antecedents of periodontitis must be regarded as a risk factor of the prosthetic treatment and the patients presenting an untreated or refractory periodontal disease present an increased risk of complications.

Admittedly, the dental surgeons must be aware of the risks of preoperative contamination , and must be able to anticipate the late infectious risk in order to limit the risk of infection and implant failing. The patients having undergone a periodontal treatment and smokers appear more likely to develop peri-implantitis. Therefore it is important in daily clinical practice to evaluate the biological factors of risk before placing the implants, and attentively supervising the patients after treatment to detect early signs of infection.

The early detection of pathology signs , the reinforcement of measurements of oral hygiene and the treatments will be able to reduce the bacterial loads.

The bacterias & fungus responsible in the periodontitis and peri-implantitis requiring a microbiological analysis are:

  • Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
  • Porphyromonas gingivalis
  • Tannerella forsythensis
  • Treponema denticola
  • Prevotella intermedia
  • Peptostreptococcus micros
  • Fusobacterium nucleatum
  • Campylobacter rectus
  • Eikenella corrodens
  • Candida albicans

The analytical processing is :

  • Non-invasive: free of pain and stress
  • Quick: gingival sulcus liquid is collected in less than 2 minutes
  • Convenient: DNA sample is stable at room temperature for more than 30 days

Caries prevention

Cario-Analyse  (caries biofilm risk measure by saliva bacterial quantification and buffer capacity)

Dental caries is one of the most common infectious diseases afflicting humans. Although 200 to 300 bacterial species have been found associated with dental plaque, only Streptococcus mutans biofilm action and Lactobacillus acidification have been consistently linked with the formation of human dental caries associated with reduction of saliva buffer capacity. Using real time PCR, we determined the numbers of bacteria in saliva. Diagnosis is an important support to dentist for identification of bacteria which cause severe caries development. Treatment can also be monitored to determine the end of the risk period.

The bacteria & biochemical parameters of Cario-Analysis are:

  • Lactobacillus spp.
  • Streptococcus mutans
  • Saliva buffer capacity measure

The analytical processing is :

  • Non-invasive: free of pain and stress
  • Quick: saliva is collected in less than 2 minutes
  • Convenient: saliva is stable at room temperature for 10 days

Oral Cancer detection

Oncoral-Analysis (quantification of saliva biomarkers)

A group of 6 biomarkers (Volatil Organic Compounds, VOC) have been identified by Institut Clinident to be significantly associated with an increasing risk of oral cancer at early development. VOC are analysed from stabilized crude saliva sample using Mass Spectrometry. There is no need to localize a lesion for sampling the patient.

Human papilloma virus nucleic acid presence can also be measured from the same saliva sample (HPV is an associated risk factor). Although the frequency of oral HPV is unknown, data show that about 26% of all head and neck squamous cell carcinomas are associated with HPV. Those not associated with HPV are likely to be associated with tobacco use and/or alcohol abuse.

The Oncoral analytical processing is:

  • Non-invasive: free of pain and stress
  • Quick: saliva is collected in less than 2 minutes
  • Convenient: saliva is stable at room temperature during 10 days